In April we took Mick's "retirement eligible" cruise. During the cruise he announced he had decided to stay at least one more year.  As time went on he saw more politics creeping into his job, the new house was going up in Temple and the grandkids were growing fast.  He decided to hang it up while he still enjoyed the job and before he said (outloud), "I don't care who he is kin to!"  LOL   We loved our time in WDC and are amazed at how well we adapted.  We learned sharing a grill isn't fun once you've had your own.  Big cities offer so much to do, but they charge big dollars for much of it.  And we learned we miss our family and friends - a lot.
We  started off January 2018 by celebrating Christmas at Casey's house for a long weekend.  We had extra guests join us including my sister Joni.  Once Christmas was over she went with us to Temple to check out the housing market.  We had been researching for a spot to retire and Temple kept topping the list. Before we returned home we had signed contracts to build new houses.  Joni and Micky convinced me that we probably won't need to do any remodeling or upgrading before we are "finished" with the houses.   I insisted Joni build next door.  This gives us both extra guest rooms and means we buy and store one lawnmower.   AND there is a Dead Fish Grill that serves amazing shrimp and grits.  Temple would be home.
We left Arlington, Virginia on October 9th and were unpacking the truck in Temple, Texas two days later.  We had neither one ever owned a new home and contrary to what you hear on HGTV - perfection is not available - after all the workers and the builder are all human and supplies are provided - that's right - by humans.  Albeit we are thrilled with our new home and are excited about putting in an outdoor kitchen and building a deck and . . . yes -  it is a good thing Micky is retired.
2018 We took advantage of being in the big city.  One of our favorite things was watching a movie where the music was provided by the national symphony orchestra. We enjoyed having a sports bar within walking distance and spent numerous hours taking in the history of the area. We loved having visitors and showing off our absorbed knowledge of the big city, 

My sarcastic, baseball loving  Aunt Deal passed away.  Her beloved Atlanta Braves managed to be in first place for her final season.    My last uncle on my mom's side, Uncle Duane passed away after a hard year.  His daughter Kathleen lost her battle with cancer after years of fighting.  My cousin Lexie (only 2 days younger than me) died suddenly and unexpectedly in the fall.  

My sister is a great grandmother, meaning my folks would have been great greats.  Yes, little Rex is a daddy.  The baby was born while they were homeless thanks to Hurricane Michael.  Weeks later Joni's kids are still dealing with downed trees, insurance and the shell shock of witnessing the power of a cat 5 hurricane.  Thankfully there were no injuries.  They all say if the word tropical storm and Florida are in the same sentence - they are leaving town.

Visitors We had GCamp in DC and it was a treat.  Riley and Grandma Joni joined us for a few days.  We visited museums, road the metro, swam, walked many miles and played some mean Wii games.   Seeing the Panda's at the zoo, watching the blacksmith at Mt Vernon and blowing bubbles off the balcony were memories enjoyed by all.
My friend Nancy came for the Cherry Blossom festival.  It was cold but we put on our scarves and gloves and walked the mall.  The cherry trees were gorgeous, they lived up to all the hype.  I DROVE us to Mt. Vernon.  The one and only time I ventured out driving around the area without Micky as my co-pilot.  Nancy subbed in the co pilot seat and we made it back in time to have a margarita.

My cousin Gary and his wife Maggie were in town on business. We spent two evening showing them around our neighborhood and taking the metro into the city.  Maggie took some amazing photos of the sunset over the river. 
Jody, Katherine, Wes and Kyle Woodard dropped by for a few days in the city.  I suspect they walked an average of seven miles a day.  I think they did more walking than any visitors we had.  The boys enjoyed the pool and they completed a massive checklist of things to see and do.

A few days later Colby, Margine and Grace Self spent a week with us.  They walked many miles and rode the metro many more.   Grace swam the pool dry and made friends with everyone she encountered.

In September George and Tamara (the Buleks) came for a week.  Even with a slower pace they still clocked a lot of miles.  George made a comment at the Vietnam wall that was profound..  He said, "Each name is someone's child."    Such a simple, true and sad statement, but we looked at the Wall with different eyes after that.

  Voni came for a week.  Micky (bravely) left us by ourselves in DC while he went to Texas.  She and I went to a National's baseball game, watched football at the sports bar, spent a full hour laughing at the pandas and like all other visitors - we walked. 

Vonaceil (Voni) is and has been my best friend for many years.  We met at the ASCS office before they had computers.  In other words - our friendship is older than dirt!   BTW Gary - thank you for letting her come!

Our Travels We made our annual trek to Vegas for the NCAA tournament.  The games were amazing and Tech made us proud reaching the Elite Eight.  Travel to and from Virginia was a little different.  We admit it was only one more time zone but it felt like a lot more.
We cruised out of Port Canaveral Florida with the Buleks in April.  We met George and Tamara in Mexico in 2005 and the friendship, love and laughter continues.   Originally this was planned as Mick's retirement cruise but it was turned into a retirement eligible cruise.  We paid for a fancy cabin with a big window and at the end of the cruise said - "Cool, but never again".  We felt obligated to spend time in the cabin looking out our big full length window when we really wanted to be out dancing, playing trivia or watching the weirdos (other passengers :)) which is a fun game to play on any cruise ship.   We stopped in Bonaire and Grand Turks for the first time and returned to Aruba.

This picture was taken in Aruba,  known as one happy island and it is one of our favorite islands.  The Buleks and Woodards do travel well together :-)


In September we left Baltimore Harbor with James and Mendy.  This became Mick's official retirement cruise and we traveled North this time.  First stop was Boston where we saw a Red Sox vs Yankee game at Fenway Park.  Bucket list check mark for all of us as well as photos with "The Green Monster."  Cruising north meant long pants, rain coats, umbrellas, gloves and fresh Maine lobster. We found there is a real difference between Rock and Maine lob-stah. They have such an accent when they talk. We visited Bar Harbor and Portland Maine as well as St. John and Halifax, Nova Scotia. 

Micky and James met while they were students at Texas Tech, "Ag boys".  We have photos of "guns up" on many adventures. 

 In October we took a sibling cruise with my sister, brother and sister in law.  This was Marvin and Linda's first cruise. Joni had cruised once - with the grandkids so we called this  her first cruise.  We took dance lessons, towel folding classes (ok Linda did), played trivia and spent a lot of time relaxing and of course eating as well as "Shhhhow Tiiiiime".  

We discovered cruising on Halloween greatly increases the possibility of watching weirdoes.

This concluded our trifecta of cruises for 2018 with visits to Mexico, Belize and Honduras.



2019 Travels We swore never again to book 3 cruises in one year.  That lasted . . .  well  . . . not too long.   Gary called with a great idea of taking the Alaskan cruise for Voni's 62nd birthday in August 2019.  Since we had always wanted to make the trip we signed up.  Big plans are being made for a road trip to and from Seattle.

A few months after we booked Alaska,  Gary (yes I'm blaming him) called and a cruise that we were planning for April 2020 needed to be moved to 2019.   So why not, it is only a 6 day trip. 

Once we got back from the sibling cruise and (this time I'm not blaming Gary, I'm blaming Marvin), Marvin 1) enjoyed the pace of cruising and 2) is frugal like us and he suggested we not lose but use our "just got back" cruise discount.  We had already found a dream cruise so after further discussions the decision was made to stop dreaming and book it.  We are booked on a 2 week trip out of Galveston that includes a partial transit of the Panama Canal, Cartegena, Colombia, Aruba, Curacao and Costa Rico.  Dreaming has paid off! 

And of course there will be Vegas in March.  With the law changes regarding sports betting expanding the locations we may be able to enjoy the tournament (and lose a few dollars) closer to home in the future.  But for 2019, Vegas here we come.


2020 Spoiler Alert Just a warning folks - the first week of November 2020 is the next presidential election and there will be Protest Cruise II.  We don't care who is on the ballot, we protest the media coverage, the fake news, the total BS or whatever you want to call it.  We demonstrate our protest by not being here.  The 2016 election found us in Montego Bay, Jamaica.  (And yes some in our group were dancing on tables but it wasn't me - ok, it was a stage at a local establishment but there was dancing.)  All religions and political parties are welcome.  However to abide with the commitment of participation in the protest; politics, religion and your sex life will NOT be discussed!  Mark your calendars.


Our Kiddos
In March Michael was offered a promotion and he, Bethany and Gatlin relocated to Pleasanton.  They closed on the sale of their house one morning and bought their new house that same afternoon.  We weren't there but I understand there was a bit of stress involved - yikes.  Michael is a district manager for NOW and Bethany is in payroll and accounts payable for Will-Call Services.  Bethany is also a certified proof reader.  Her dream is to have enough business to work from home (in other words - QUIT her job and be her own boss).  Check it out at 

Gatlin is all boy (3 this year) and always busy.  He is a talker and I swear you can see the wheels turning inside his head.  He counts past 10 in both English and Spanish.   Like his mom he enjoys singing and tv, while he looks exactly like his dad.  He's cute, he knows it and so do we. 


Casey and Katy run and play so much it is hard to keep up with them.  Casey's business, Capitol Environmental  has outgrown its office space and he spent a good deal of the year shopping for a larger space and continues to search.   They enjoy their country living with a golf cart,  a cat named Bruiser and a few wild animals.  Katy has decided multiplication tables are far worse than spelling words.  She was 10 in May, is a 5th grader and has her first "man" teacher this year and is liking the change.  Casey, Mary, Kira and Katy are headed to Utah skiing for Xmas.

This is Katy posing in a jacket (for sale at the Smithsonian) from her dad's favorite movie (when he was 12), Top Gun.  She had zero interest in owning it but was willing to pose for a photo.  Katy spent the entire year telling anyone and everyone that she needs a dog.  So far her hints have been ignored.


Jamie and Luchi have built a home in Weatherford and officially moved in the weekend after Thanksgiving.  Luchi has began work on her citizenship paperwork and is part of the ESL program at Weatherford ISD.  Jamie continues to work as a rigger for a crane company in Odessa. 

Natalie will be 12 in January.  She was selected as "Outstanding Student of the Year" as a 5th grader.  She moved to Intermediate School this year as a 6th grader.  She continues to play volleyball, but plays in a competition league. She is still enrolled in her dance classes and is taking choir in school.  DramaQT is her email handle and boy is it fitting.

Martin just turned 9 in December. He is our 3rd grader with a mind that keeps us guessing.  The girls had the song "Oh Mickey" playing  this summer and Martin asked, "Gramps is the singer your old girlfriend and she wants you back?" Gramps replied, "I will never tell." Gramps' head swelled so big it would hardly fit through the door.  Martin loves basketball and playing with friends.   (PS - he hates girls with big bows in their hair...go figure).

Here is Natalie at the Capital building in Washington.  Martin is at the Ford Theater sitting in the chair reserved for POTUS.


What's Ahead? We hope to continue traveling as long as these old bodies hold out.  We don't enjoy the airline "hassle" these days.  We have found our bucket list changes as we age.  Crowds, traffic, long lines and stressful days take a lot of the joy out of a trip (getting old sucks).  We plan to do some road trips and will definitely be back in Palm Springs. Nothing like floating in the pool in the middle of winter.  Joni has begun to lobby for an Amtrak trip.  What can we do?  So many options, so little time!

We hope to have our backyard up and running in time for Gcamp 2019.  We are enjoying reading, basketball (college) and plan to do some serious grandkid spoiling.  Micky plans to break out his fiddle and guitar and I have committed to using up all of the craft supplies in my possession and get serious about writing.

I can promise you this, we do not have any plans to shop on Black Friday, attend an NBA game or go night clubbing in Vegas.  Other than that, life look out!

  We wish you a Merry Christmas and  a 2019 filled with good health, great memories and warm hugs. 





